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  • Student 220
  • Lecture 5
  • Alumni 1000


Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Welcome to the Website of the Bachelor of Applied Finance Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University. This website is a form of internal and/or external communication media for all stakeholders of the Bachelor of Applied Finance Study Program of both the Prospective Students, the Active Students, the Parents of Students, the Lecturers, the Education Staff, the Government, the Business World, the Industrial World, and as well as the Education Stakeholders related to the Bachelor of Applied Finance Study Program.

With the vision of Graduating Applied Scholars who are reliable in analyzing the fields of finance, and who have integrity, communication and managerial skills, and international competitiveness”, it is hoped that the graduates will continue to show real work to contribute to Indonesia’s development.

The Bachelor of Applied Finance Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Trisakti University has three concentrations, namely: Banking, Taxation and Capital Markets. Therefore the Study Program is able to provide Bachelor graduates who can contribute and provide comprehensive solutions to practical problems, to problems of the needs of the world of work in the fields of banking, taxation and capital markets.

For students who take a specialization in banking, they can practice their knowledge at a Mini Bank which is a grant from BNI bank. Next they follow an internship in bank operations. For students whose concentration is focused on taxation, they can take part in an internship at a public accounting firm. Meanwhile, students who choose to concentrate on capital markets, they can take part in internships at the stock exchange or at a securities company.

 In addition to the academic activities, the Applied Bachelor of Finance Study Program has also a Youtube channel EFINNET (Education Financial Network Trisakti), which one of the programs is POSTER (Applied Bachelor Podcast). Poster is a media communication for academics who are interested in discussing taxation, capital markets, banking and the world around campus. We are very happy and proud of the public’s trust in choosing the Bachelor of Applied Finance Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University, as an educational place to achieve your goals. May Allah SWT bless us all.

Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Head of the Applied Undergraduate Study Program

Dr. Tri Kunawangsih Purnamaningrum, MSi


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